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Table 7 Comparison of different disease severity assessment methods in relation to accuracy-related measures, statistical methods and scale type and resolution used for method validation

From: From visual estimates to fully automated sensor-based measurements of plant disease severity: status and challenges for improving accuracy


Actual value

Scale type and number of classes used for comparison

Resolution to differentiate severity

Statistic used to assess accuracy



Visual assessment

Images traced from slide projections for contrast and image analyzed

Ratio scale

0 to 100% (100)


Regression, intercept and slope coefficient (a and b)

R2 = 0.913 to 0.960;

a = 1.064 to 12.958;

b = 1.029 to 1.245

Martin and Rybicki (1998

Images on paper cut by symptom border and weighed

Ratio scale

0 to 100% (100)


LCC (ρc)

ρc = 0.51–0.99

Nita et al. (2003)

Manual image analysis

Ratio scale

0 to 100% (100)


Regression, intercept and slope coefficient (a and b)

R2 = 0.51 to 0.93;

a = −1.90 to 41.38;

b = 0.65 to 1.24

Godoy et al. (2006)

Manual image analysis

Ratio scale

0 to 100% (100)


Regression, intercept and slope coefficient (a and b)

LCC (ρc)

Depending on symptom types:

R2 = 0.59 to 0.88;

a = − 1.52 to 2.83;

b = 0.10 to 1.21;

ρc = 0.85 to 0.94

Bock et al. (2008a)

Manual image analysis

Ratio scale

0 to 100% (100)


Regression, intercept and slope coefficient (a and b)

R2 = 0.88 to 0.98;

a = −6.68 to 5.09;

b = 0.75 to 0.94

Michereff et al. (2009)

Manual image analysis

Ratio scale

0 to 100% (100)


LCC (ρc)

Means of ρc = 0.76 to 0.98 depending on fruit perspective and use of SADs

Spolti et al. (2011)

Manual image analysis

Ratio scale

0 to 100% (100)


LCC (ρc)

Mean of ρc = 0.79 and 0.89 (with and without SADs)

Yadav et al. (2013)

Manual image analysis

Ratio scale

0 to 100% (100)


LCC (ρc)

ρc = 0.83 to 1.00 (mean = 0.95)

Bardsley and Ngugi (2013)

Manual image analysis

Ratio scale

0 to 100% (100)


LCC (ρc)

Means of ρc = 0.53, 0.87, 0.86 and 0.87 (without SADs, with SADs, and with color or black and white SADs)

Schwanck and Del Ponte (2014)

VIS (RGB) image analysis

Images on paper cut by symptom border and weighed

Ratio scale

0 to 100% (100)


Regression, intercept and slope coeffficient (a and b)

R2 = 0.996;

a = −0.91;

b = 0.99

Lindow (1983)

Planimeter measurement, various pathosystems

Ratio scale

0 to 100% (100)


Regression, intercept and slope

R2 = 0.976 to 0.992;

a = 0.914 to 1.06;

b = − 0.17 to −4.35

Lindow and Webb (1983)

Images traced from slide projections for contrast and image analyzed

Ratio scale

0 to 100% (100)


Regression, intercept and slope

R2 = 0.971 to 0.985;

a = − 0.877 to 0.610;

b = 0.999 to 1.045

Martin and Rybicki (1998)

Manual image analysis

Area in pixels

Regression, intercept and slope

R2 = 0.980;

a = 0.901;

b = 16,097

Peressotti et al.( 2011)

Severity measured with multiplex real-time PCR

Ratio scale

0 to 100% (100)



R2 = 0.9945

De Coninck et al.( 2012)

Visual (pixels)

Ratio scale

0 to 100% (100)


Accuracy (%)

Overall accuracy = 96%

Barbedo (2014)

Visual ratings by 16 raters (inspection deemed image analysis was accurate)

Ratio scale

0 to 100% (100)


LCC (ρc)

ρc = 0.76–0.99 (mean = 0.92)

Stewart and McDonald (2014)

Visual (Pixels)

Ratio scale

0 to 100% (100)


PCC (r)

r = 0.60–0.90

Clément et al.( 2015)

Manual segmentation using Photoshop

Ratio scale

0 to 100% (100)


Quality of segmentation (Qs)

Qs = 84.17%

Hu et al. (2017)


Ordinal (4 classes)

Healthy stage, early stage, middle stage, end stage

Classification accuracy (%)

Classification accuracy:

Healthy stage = 100%;

Early stage = 93.1%;

Middle stage = 83.3%;

End stage = 97.0%

Wang et al.( 2017)


Ordinal (5 classes)

Healthy, very low, low, high, very high

Classification accuracy (%) compared to other diseases and severities

Accuracy of severity measurement = 78.57–86.51% (depending on architecture of CNN)

Esgario et al. (2019)


Ordinal (2 classes)

Mild, severe

Classification accuracy (%) compared to other diseases and severities

Severe symptoms = 70.4%;

Mild symptoms = 29.4%

Ramcharan et al. (2019)


Ordinal (3 classes)

Healthy, general, serious

Proportion accurately classified


Liang et al. (2019)

Multspectral (MSI) and Hyperspectral (HSI)


Ordinal (3 classes)

Low, medium high

Classification accuracy (%)

71 to 91%, depending on class (a 5-class scale had accuracy = 11 to 40%)

Coops et al. (2003)


Ratio scale

0 to 100% (100)


Percentage results with error ≥ 5%


Larsolle and Muhammed (2007)


Ordinal (9 classes)

0, 1, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 80% or 100%

Regression, intercept and slope

R2 = 0.91;

a = 2.40;

b = − 721.22

Huang et al. (2007)


Ordinal (4 classes)

Severe, medium, light, non-visible

None given

None given

Cui et al. (2009, 2010


Ordinal (3 classes)

Healthy tissue, light mycelium, dense mycelium

Classification accuracy (%) including 3 diseases and their severities

Healthy tissue = 100%;

Overall accuracy with disease = 61.70 to 98.90%

Mahlein et al. (2012b)

Symptom progression

Changing symptoms related to spectral changes

Metro maps

Wahabzada et al. (2015)

Symptom progression

Changing symptoms related to spectral changes

Leaf traces (similar to above)

Kuska et al. (2015)


Ordinal (9 classes)

0, 1, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100

Regression (R2)


R2 > 0.90;

RMSE< 0.15

Wang et al. (2016)

Visual (in-field disease incidence of infected wheat spikes)

Ratio scale

0 to 100% (100)


Regression, intercept and slope (depending on VI)

R2 = 0.801, 0.828;

a = 0.2902, 0.4572;

b = 0.0013, 0.0020

Kobayashi et al. (2016)

DNA quantification (presymptomatic)


DNA content

Regression (R2)

R2 = 0.868

Zhao et al. (2017)

DNA quantification (presymptomatic to symptomatic)


DNA content

Regression (R2)

R2 = 0.72

Thomas et al. (2017)

Length of lesion



Predicted lesion length was proportional to the interior lesion length.

Nagasubramanian et al. (2017)


Ordinal (3 classes)

Low (≤5%), moderate (5 to 20%), severe (> 20%) severity.

Classification accuracy (%)


Thomas et al. (2018a, b)