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Fig. 2 | Phytopathology Research

Fig. 2

From: Targeted isolation of biocontrol agents from plants through phytopathogen co-culture and pathogen enrichment

Fig. 2

Targeted isolation of antibacterial Bacillus safensis ZK-1 from kiwifruit by mono-enrichment of the pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa). a Antibacterial activity of live cells (A–C) or cell-free supernatant (D, E) of ZK-1 against three selected pathogenic or non-pathogenic bacteria. A, B and C, LB plates pre-inoculated with Psa C48, P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 and E. coli Top10, respectively; D, LB liquid culture of Psa C48 treated with ZK1 supernatant; E, LB liquid culture of the LacZ-labelled E. coli Top10 treated with ZK1 supernatant. “-”, without supernatant, “ + ”, with supernatant and X-gal. b Antifungal test of ZK-1 against five selected fungal pathogens. 1# and 2#, positive controls with known antifungal activity (1#, Lysobacter enzymogenes OH11; 2#, Bacillus subtilis NCD-2); 3#, ZK-1; 4#, E. coli Top10 (negative control); F, G, H, I and J, PDA plates pre-inoculated with Diaporthe actinidiaeBotrytis cinereaCorynespora cassiicolaAlternaria alternata and Neofusicoccum parvum, respectively. c Phylogenetic tree constructed based on the genome sequences of strain ZK-1 in TYGS ( Trees were inferred from GBDP distances computed from genome sequences using FastME (Lefort et al. 2015). Branch lengths were scaled according to the GBDP distance formula d5. The numbers above branches are GBDP pseudo-bootstrap support values > 60% from 100 replicates, with an average branch support of 98.5%. The tree was rooted in the middle (Farris et al. 1972)

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