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Table 3 HTS and its influence on disease surveillance and management strategies

From: High-throughput sequencing in plant disease management: a comprehensive review of benefits, challenges, and future perspectives





Early detection of disease outbreaks

HTS detects pathogens directly from infected samples, even at low concentrations

Timely interventions, preventing the spread of diseases

Vidyadharani et al. (2022)

Monitoring disease spread

HTS helps track the movement of diseases across regions and populations

Understanding transmission dynamics, implementing appropriate control measures to curb infections

Doyle et al. (2017)

Understanding pathogen evolution

HTS offers genetic information for studying pathogen evolutionary history and population dynamics

Identifying factors driving pathogen evolution, informing strategies to mitigate the emergence of new diseases or drug resistance

Tedersoo et al. (2019)

Global collaboration & data sharing

HTS generates massive amounts of data that can be shared among researchers and institutions worldwide

Rapid identification/response to emerging diseases, improved understanding of pathogen biology and epidemiology

The GAIN Collaborative Research Group (2007)